Sunday, June 14, 2009

I still can't figure out how people manage to post on their blogs everyday. I read a lot of blogs, scrapbookers, craft blogs, funny blogs, and a couple blogs by friends....I go through a lot of them everyday and don't think much of it but then I stop for a second and wonder when the heck they find time to do that?!?! I would also like to point out that a couple of these scrapbookers that I read about have like 5 kids...makes me feel bad about not keeping up on my blog!

Anywho! This is Toni a.k.a Toni Bologna, Toni Soprano, Toni Bear. February 7th to be exact she appeared at our house and has not left. I had gone to a wedding with some friends and we had come back to my house and we were sitting out on the front porch, I went inside to let the big dogs out and come back outside and there is a cat sitting on the patio. ME: "what the heck is that?!?!" MY FRIEND AARON: "Oh thats Toni"....Toni never left!!! Now dont think I ran inside and fed the cat I wait almost a week before I picked up some cat food! She is mostly outside but she does come in if it is storming, or just sometimes to curl up on my bathrobe and take a nap. She is a sweet kitty though and lets the girls pick her up and we haven't had a problem with her. These are my flower children. Our friend Andrea turned 40 this week!!! Her sister, one of my BFFs threw her an awesome surprise party and we had a lot of fun. Love those Italian girls!

In other news, I paid my enrollment for Cosmetology school this week and I start classes on Monday July 6th. I am very excited about this, more excited then I have been about anything in a long time. I only wish I would have done it before when I really wanted to instead of listening to others and not following my own heart, life lessons I guess. Anyway, I will let everyone know when I get to start cutting hair and painting toes so you can come in and let me practice on you!!
Something else that I saw this week on one of those blogs I read, the person didn't have a twitter so he just posted 'Twits' at the end of his blog post. I thought it was funny and I am going to give it a try!
I love pickled okra..I would eat at whole jar and make my self sick if I didnt have to fight my kids for it.
My Aunt keeps telling me not to come out of cosmo school with pink hair but I really want at least one pink highlight just for awhile.
I really like to read in the summer but when I do I get nothing else done.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

wow 6 months...that might be a new record!

ok so we are going to ease back into this, don't want to cause anyone to faint or anything. LOTS going on around here...I will give you the round up and then over time I will fill you in on the more important events and add pictures where need be.

SOOO...Aubrey and Bailey turned 7 and made it through a year of kindergarten. I tried out another semester of college that didn't go so well. I made it through a year of preschool with some awesome kids and Miss Debbie. A cat adopted us (yeah the last thing we need). I have made a career change(more on that later). Lucy and Sally are finally starting to calm down..lets not test them though. I still don't have a date, a boyfriend, or a husband...I know you were worried about that one. I am painting again, painting nothing, but I am painting.
And..I have bangs again...I know, life changing!

Please excuse the fact that I have no makeup public no makeup thats my rule!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A modem for Christmas!

My modem apparently died this week, and after talking to several foreign people from AT&T I got a new one!! So I am back online with a wish for a Merry Christmas. I am going to leave you with our Christmas photo and my most FAVORITE version of the 12 days of Christmas!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Todays blog is brought to you by Debbie

You see folks, my dear friend Debbie took a personal day today and I was supposed to fill in for her. This year makes year 3 that Debbie has taken off and we have had a snow day! Poor Debbie, but yay me I get to stay home!

Ok nothing has really been going on....Tabetha and I did the craft show Saturday it was ok. I learn something new every year that I need to change for the next year. Had Tabetha's husbands 30th birthday the night of the craft show, that was good times.

Everyone in the house has a cold, so its even better that we have the day off!

I will leave you with Dana blowing out his candels, cause thats all I really have right now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

caution I am about to blog

Whats that Sally?!? You found my blog under the fridge?!?!

So I turn around tonight and this is what I see, my dog twisted and straining to get some tiny crumb that has slid under the fridge....thats when I knew it was time to blog!
Ok..recap highlights...Mike and his Mom took the girls to the cornmaze this year and they took my camera so I get to enjoy it even though I didnt go! Aubrey seems to be Daddy's girl, they are a lot alike so it makes sense.
Bailey dont look into the light!!! just kidding cornfield joke...corny I know..pun intended!
This year we carved pumpkins with the Meadows family..super fun times. Kids whined, grownups whined, it was great!

But we got some cute pumpkins out of the deal....The Skull is of course ours...didnt mean for him to have sunglasses on but things happen I guess. Then I think the small traditional one on the left is ours and the other pumpkins are Tabetha's.

Last but not least.....word girl and pinkalicous......Shell found these super cool suckers at Candy house for the girls and they are too funny, I wish Bailey had the pink one the whole time they just topped off her costume. Now hold your breath here but I dont have a picture of them in full costume...this is the only picture I have from Halloween...yes I know I know...BUT my aunt took several so I have a back up and will get a full suit picture up here soon. Hopefully I will get back into the swing of blogging, wish me luck!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

maple leaf

Yes we are still alive...even though there are no pictures of Bailey she is fine too. We went to Maple leaf this morning didn't really plan on it but got invited to go with my BFF Jill and her family had SO much fun!! Those are her boys with Aubrey good kids love them! Anyway maybe in 8 months I will post again!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This is awesome

This guy rocks that is all there is to it!

About Me

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Me, two kids, two dogs and a cat how could life get any better?